The season:
Work on the farm goes on year round, though the bulk of the effort begins in April and tapers off in November. We generally host apprentices during this time. We have a 2 session CSA season & provide our markets throughout the growing season.
Springtime brings a lot of seeding both in the greenhouse, and out in the field. We produce seedlings in the greenhouse to transplant out. We also prep the greenhouse for tomatoes, laying drip tape, mulching, transplanting, fertilizing, trellising, and pruning the plants as they grow.
Fieldwork involves fertilizing, tractor work, transplanting both by hand, and by tractor and setter, planning irrigation, laying out and connecting the drip irrigation system. Some of the fields are in rotation and dedicated to cover crops which must be seeded and maintained.
We raise chickens, both layers, and meat birds. All our chickens are pastured in mobile pens, which must be moved each day with the tractor. And of course the birds are fed and watered at least twice a day.
As the season moves toward summer we continue all the above activities adding weed control, both with the tractor, hand weeding and hoeing. Harvesting, washing, packing and delivering produce to markets is essential to our farm. Delivery driving is involved with apprenticing as well.
As the summer moves on into fall we reduce the field seeding and transplanting to those crops that can take cool weather or produce quickly. We start preparing the fields for winter…tilling in old plantings, seeding winter cover crops and plowing new ground for next season’s rotation.
Work on the farm goes on year round, though the bulk of the effort begins in April and tapers off in November. We generally host apprentices during this time. We have a 2 session CSA season & provide our markets throughout the growing season.
Springtime brings a lot of seeding both in the greenhouse, and out in the field. We produce seedlings in the greenhouse to transplant out. We also prep the greenhouse for tomatoes, laying drip tape, mulching, transplanting, fertilizing, trellising, and pruning the plants as they grow.
Fieldwork involves fertilizing, tractor work, transplanting both by hand, and by tractor and setter, planning irrigation, laying out and connecting the drip irrigation system. Some of the fields are in rotation and dedicated to cover crops which must be seeded and maintained.
We raise chickens, both layers, and meat birds. All our chickens are pastured in mobile pens, which must be moved each day with the tractor. And of course the birds are fed and watered at least twice a day.
As the season moves toward summer we continue all the above activities adding weed control, both with the tractor, hand weeding and hoeing. Harvesting, washing, packing and delivering produce to markets is essential to our farm. Delivery driving is involved with apprenticing as well.
As the summer moves on into fall we reduce the field seeding and transplanting to those crops that can take cool weather or produce quickly. We start preparing the fields for winter…tilling in old plantings, seeding winter cover crops and plowing new ground for next season’s rotation.